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  1. Chinese Invasion Barges Seen In Wild

    Flag China I broke the invasion barge story in January. At the time, only satellite imagery was available, at least publicly.

    Now a short video has emerged showing the barges being exercised on a Chinese beach. The resulting images confirm the earlier analysis; these are invasion barges...
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  2. Russia Reveals 'Katran' Trimaran USV

    Flag Russia Russia's Center for Unmanned Systems and Technologies, a tech accelerator, have revealed a new trimaran aluminum surface drone (USV). The USV has been labelled 'Katran', the Russian name for the Spiny Dogfish, a small species of shark....
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  3. Ukraine's Toloka TLK-150 Underwater Drone

    Flag Russia The Russian Navy is doing badly in the Russo-Ukraine War, losing control of the Black Sea. Ukraine's maritime surface drones (USVs - uncrewed surface vessels) have denied them sea control, and pushed them back to the eastern coast of the Black Sea.

    Among the development Ukrainian engineers have up their sleeves, are underwater versions of drones. The Toloka TLK-150 is a publicly displayed version...
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  4. The Soviet's Elaborate Saturation Diver Submarine In The Black Sea

    Flag Russia The Soviet Navy Project 1840 LIMA Class submarine, was a unique special purpose boat operational in the Black Sea from 1979 until 1994. Her retro lines, reminiscent of a 1950s submarine, belied an unusual internal arrangement.

    Instead of a torpedo room, her forward hull contained an elaborate set of pressurized chambers for divers to live, cut off from the crew...
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  5. First Daylight Look At Ukrainian Navy Maritime Drone With FPVs

    Flag Ukraine Russia frequently launches tens of Shahed type drones into Ukraine, but rarely more than a handful get through. Most get shot down thanks to Ukraine's innovative and effective air defenses against these low-end threats. The attrition is baked into the raids, but when the Ukrainians reply in kind, they want more of their drones to get through.

    Ukraine has developed a low-cost decoy drone for this purpose...
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