Tac Ops podcast with Covert Shores
Submarine veteran and speaker, Eric Moreno has joined up with Covert Cabal to produce a new pod cast.
Was a pleasure to join Eric and Greg last week. The mammoth 1 hr 45 min session has been uploaded to youtube.
We discussed the recent launch of the new Russian ‘super submarine’ Belgorod, and the Poseidon Inter-continental autonomous torpedo it will carry. And the Harpsichord (Klavesin) AUV and Losharik deep-sea station. Will the Poseidon role contradict and compromise the seabed warfare mission and vice-versa?
We talk about the US Navy’s Orca unmanned undersea vehicle (UUV) and NATO use of UUVs in Black Sea. And what about China?
Also Swimmer Delivery Vehicles (SDVs) and the Russian Navy's Piranha Class (LOSOS) midget submarine.
Film references start with Hunter Killer (sorry!) but quickly the book Arctic Gambit (great) and the best submarine film ever.
We also touch on why I draw my illustrations in MS Paint.
The ultimate book of Special Forces subs Covert Shores 2nd Edition is the ONLY world history of naval Special Forces, their missions and their specialist vehicles. SEALs, SBS, COMSUBIN, Sh-13, Spetsnaz, Kampfschwimmers, Commando Hubert, 4RR and many more.
Check it out on Amazon
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