
Scroll down for Special Forces, Uncrewed Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) Defense Analysis and Misc.


Flag Project 09852 Belgorod Special Mission submarine (spy sub). w/Cutaway
Flag TYPHOON Class SSBN. w/Cutaway
Flag F-117 of the Seas: Lockheed's Stealth Submarine design
Flag Russian KILO Class submarine w/Cutaway
Flag Taiwan's indiginous Hai Kun Class submarine.
Flag Spain's S-80P Isaac Peral Class AIP submarine. w/Cutaway
Flag Russian Losharik spy sub w/Cutaway
Flag World's First Nuclear Submarine, USS Nautilus w/Cutaway
Flag Most Influential Submarine of World War Two, Type-XXI U-Boat w/Cutaway
Flag US Navy's Super Cruise Missile Submarine: USS Permit's Original Design w/Cutaway
Flag Project 949A/AM OSCAR-II Class Cruise Missile Submarine. w/Cutaway
Flag Chinese Navy's First Cruise Missile Submarine, Type-033G Wuhan Class. w/Cutaway
Flag Chinese Navy's Advanced Submarine Type-039C Yuan Class. w/Cutaway
Flag K.A. Schilder's Rocket-Armed Submarine of 1834. w/Cutaway
Flag Italian M23 Submarine for Qatar
Flag Japanese Maru Yu special transport submarine of WW2 w/Cutaway
Flag Suffren (Barracuda) Class Attack Submarine w/Cutaway
Flag Indonesia's KSM-32 Midget Submarine
Flag Drass DG-900 Compact Submarine
Flag Kalvari Class (Scorpene) Submarine w/Cutaway
Flag Trafalgar Class w/Cutaway
Flag Chinese Navy's First Advanced Submarine Type-032 (1958)
Flag Delfin Class, Cuba's only submarine. w/Cutaway
Flag 1913 Patent for a Submarine w/Cutaway
Flag Indian design for a Coastal Submarine for Special Forces
Flag Project 09851 Khabarovsk Class Submarine. w/Cutaway
Flag USS Jimmy Carter (SSN-23) Special Mission submarine
Flag North Korean Hero Kim Gun-Ok Class ballistic missile submarine w/Cutaway
Flag North Korean Modified-Romeo Class ballistic missile submarine w/Cutaway
Flag Project 885 'YASEN' (Severodvinsk Class) SSGN. w/Cutaway
Flag Project 955A 'BOREI-A' Ballistic Missile Submarine. w/Cutaway
Flag Japanese Kairyu midget submarine of WW2 w/Cutaway
Flag Sub Iranian Fateh Class submarine w/Cutaway
Flag World war One Type UC-1 U-boat w/Cutaway
Flag Chinese Type-093 Shang Class Submarine w/Cutaway
Flag Flag Type-212 AIP submarine w/Cutaway
Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Nordenfelt steam powered submarines of the 1880s. w/Cutaway
Flag A-26 Blekinge Class attack submarine. w/Cutaway
Flag Indian next-generation S-5 Class SSBN
Flag Chinese Sailless Submarine
Flag Malachite Arctic Submarine concept
Flag Swedish A21 Flundran AIP attack submarine
Flag British SSN(R) next generation Royal Navy SSN
Flag Surcouf Cruiser Submarine w/Cutaway
Flag Attack Class
Flag AN-1 submarine aircraft carrier
Flag SMX-31 future submarine concept ('The Electric') w/Cutaway
Flag Type-XXIXH stealth U-Boat. w/Cutaway
Flag Project 685 MIKE Class deep-diving SSN. w/wreck guide
Flag SNLE-3G next-generation French SSBN
Flag Sturgeon Class SSN. w/Cutaway
Flag Unbuilt US Navy spy submarine
Flag Project 705 'ALFA' class attack submarine. w/Cutaway
Flag Flag Yugoslav X-Craft (R-3E / 911 Class)
Flag Project 673 Advanced Submarine design. w/Cutaway
Flag USS X-1 X-Craft
Flag Project 617 'WHALE' AIP Submarine
Flag USS Grayback Special Forces host submarine
Flag NR-1
Flag Sweden's nuclear powered submarine project (A-11A)
Flag HUSKY Class future attack submarine
Flag USS Parche spy sub par-excellence. w/Cutaway
Flag Japanese Ko-Hyoteki midget submarine of WW2 - Pearl Harbor attack
Flag BS-64 Podmoskovye Special Mission (spy) Host Submarine w/Cutaway
Flag Comex Sagittaire midget submarine
Flag Soviet Project 1015 'SPLC' Special Purpose midget submarine
Flag American Civil War submarine H. L. Hunley
Flag Revolutionary Narval submarine of 1899. w/Cutaway

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Flag North Korean Gorae Class SSB
Flag Barbel Class - the last front-line diesel boats int the US Navy
Flag Sub Iranian Nahang Class midget sub
Flag Japanese Ha201 Sen-Taka-Sho fast attack submarine of WW2
Flag North Korean MS-29 YONO Class midget sub. w/Cutaway
Flag Russian unbuilt spy submarine MPS
Flag Stalin's Super Sub, Project P-2. w/Cutaway
Flag Piranha Class (LOSOS) midget sub. w/Cutaway
Flag Russian Seismic Survey sub
Flag Project 1910 UNIFORM Class deep diving spy sub
Flag USS Halibut. w/Cutaway
Flag USS Seawolf (SSN-575)
Flag SubRussian X-RAY Class spy sub
Flag Sub Russian Sarov experimental sub
Flag Type-IIIA U-Boat
Flag Sub MSV-75 midget sub design
Flag Sub INS Arihant, Indian SSBN and .2
Flag Sub History of Israeli subs
Flag Sub HDS-500 Midget Submarine
Flag Sub Maritalia GST-23+ Midget Submarine
Flag WW2 German Delfin midget submarine with AIP
Flag L&T SOV-400 Special Forces submarine
Flag Chinese MS200 midget submarine
Flag Dakar Class submarine

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Uncrewed Vehicles (UUV, AUV, USV, UAV...)

Flag Ukraine's Marichka Underwater Drone (AUV)
Flag Ukraine's Maritime Drones (USVs)
Flag Houthi Houthi's Blowfish: Guide To Explosive USV Threat Off Yemen
Flag Naval Group's XLUUV Demonstrator
Flag Israel's little-known Caesaron large AUV
Flag Bayonet Crawlers, tracked UUVs
Flag Chinese Sea Wing UUV (Glider)
Flag Theseaus AUV
Flag Sub Royal Navy Manta XLUUV extra-large UUV
Flag XLUUV armed extra-large UUV
Flag Snakeead large-displacement UUV
Flag North Korea's Haeil and Haeil-2 nuclear armed UUVs
Flag Iranian XLUUV
Flag NMRS UUV captured by North Korea
Flag Chinese HSU-001 LDUUV
Flag Garmoniya-GUIDE AUV
Flag Sub ASWUUV anti-submarine unmanned underwater vehicle
Biomimetic Underwater Vehicles
Flag Poseidon Intercontinental Nuclear-Powered Nuclear-Armed Autonomous Torpedo, and countering it
Flag Russian Navy Beluga whale
Flag Russia's Sarma-D XLUUV
Flag Harpsichord (Klavesin) AUV
Flag SwarmDiver micro-USV
Flag Nerpa anti-diver UUV
Flag Cephalopod armed extra-large UUV

Covert Shores Guides

Flag Guide To Iran's Navy & IRGC Drone Carriers And Similar Large Ships submarine w/Cutaway
Flag Ukraine's long-ranged attack drones (OWA-UAVs)
Flag Ukraine's longer-ranged missiles
Flag Flag Russia maritime drones (USVs) of the Russo-Ukraine War.
Flag Ukraine Flag Hamas Flag Iran Flag Flag Russia World survey of Underwater Attack Drones (OWA-AUVs)
World Submarines Family Tree.
Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag + Flag Flag Flag Flag Nuclear Missile submarines
Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag World survey of AIP submarines
Flag Flag Flag Israel Flag World survey of Navy Marine Mammal Prorams
FlagFlagFlagFlag World survey of Special Operations Craft
Explosive Boats world history
Narco Subs 101. w/Cutaway
LTTE Sea Tigers' sneak craft and midget subs
Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag World guide to Heavyweight Torpedoes
Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Flag Covert Shores guide to underwater weapons

Special Forces underwater craft

Flag Sub CABI AE-90 Dry Submarine
Flag Sub Maritalia 3GST9 Submarine
Flag Flag UAE's Trident submersible boats (SDVs)
Flag DSI Diver Delivery Craft (DDC)
Flag SBS Archimedes SDV
Flag Mignatta first human torpedo
Flag Decima MAS attack on New York 1943 (CA Class)
Flag Stidd Diver Propulsion Device (DPD)
FlagFlag Dry Combat Submersible (DCS)
Flag Alseamar MURENE SLV
Flag Deep Shadow SDV
Flag SDV Mk.9 SEAL Delivery Vehicle. w/Cutaway
Flag DGSE's SDVs
Flag WTD-71 Aquatechnik SDV projects
Flag British SDV developmemts in 1960s (Dick Tuson)
Flag Cos.Mo.S Nessie Fast SDV submersible boat
Flag Wholphin X2, Dolphin X1 and Piranha SDV-X
Flag Cos.Mo.S CE4F 4-man SDV
Flag Sphyrene and Coryphene SDVs
Flag Vogo ASDV-800 Dry Combat Submersible
Flag Narwal / Orca Dry Combat Submersible (UWTG)
Flag Flag UOES3 (Button 5.60) Dry Combat Submersible (DCS)
Flag COMSUBIN's submersible boat
Flag Proteus advanced SDV

Flag SWSC (Shallow Water Combat Submersible) US Navy SEALs next gen' SDV

Flag Cos.Mo.S CE2F chariot
Flag SWUV (/ PSM3G) advanced SDV
Flag Naval Spetsnaz in Hybrid Warfare (Russian SDVs and DPVs)
Flag SubSEAL advanced SDV
Flag Sleeping Beauty (Motorised Submersible Canoe) of WW2
Flag SubCat SDV
Flag Rotinor BlackShadow 730 and Divejet 414 Diver Propulsion Vehicles
Flag Patriot 3M diver propulsion (Kraken, DAAPV, Jetboots)
Flag SharkMarine Mako DDS, Navigator, EagleRay etc
Flag CSS-1 collapsible SDV
Flag Flag TorpedoSEAL Diver Propulsion Device
Flag Gabler Swimmer Delivery Vehicles
Flag Bonex HP and HP Shuttle Diver Propulsion Vehicles
Flag Vogo DPD-200 diver propulsion device
Flag Ortega Mk.1 Swimmer Delivery Vehicle
Flag Vogo 'Chariot' SDVs (SDV-300, SDV-340...)
Flag Triton-NN Submersible Boat
Flag USN Closed-Cycle Energy Source SDV project
Flag Flag Marex Type-A (A2, A4, A5, Comex Total-Sub-01) SDVs
Flag Polish Blotniak SDV
Flag Flag EMT FWS-1 to -5 Barracuda SDVs
Flag Flag Taedong-B 'Kajami' ('Zulfikar') submersible boat w/Cutaway
Flag Al-Sabehat 15 Swimmer Delivery Vehicle and related development

Special Forces surface craft

Flag Low Visibility Craft Semi-Submersible dolphin delivery vehicle.
Flag Flag CCH (Combat Craft Heavy) SEALION and Alligator Semi-Submersible Boats. w/Cutaway
Flag Singaporean Specialized Marine Craft Type-II
Flag WP-18 Tactical Strike Craft
Flag Styx riverine Special Forces craft
Flag Barracuda Special Forces interceptors
Special Forces Jet Skis
Flag North Korean Very Slender Vessels (VSVs)

Other Analysis

Flag Flag Analysis of Swedish submarine incursion- Luleå 1983
Flag Flag Flag The mystery of the Soviet Midget Submarine Gap - Royal Navy and CIA intelligence
Flag Yantar spy ship loitering over undersea cables
Threat of narco-subs in Middle East
Flag Russia seeks submarine advantage in Arctic (HARMONY system, GUGI special mission subs)


Flag Russia's Unique 110-Year-Old Ship, Kommuna w/Cutaway
Flag Ceara; Brazil's unique Submarine Transport Ship With Hidden Hangar, 1915 w/Cutaway
Flag The unique Pedal-powered smuggling submarine and other Swiss smuggling subs
Flag Lun Class Ekranoplan (Wings in Ground Effect) w/Cutaway
Flag David ClassAmerican Civil War semi-submersible torpedo boat. w/Cutaway
Flag Prohibition era Moonshine smuggler's sub. w/Cutaway
The Escape of Bernd Boettger from East Germany
Nautilus 2020 Luxury Private Submarine. w/Cutaway
Cutaway of Jules Verne’s Nautilus. w/Cutaway
Turbinia, the first steam turbine boat (1894)
Armored Stealth Boat used for car smuggling by Chinese organized crime. w/Cutaway
World Submarine Museum proposal
Flag Porpoise submarine concept (/Fredrik Granholm)
Flag Unofficial USN Diesel Submarine concept. w/Cutaway
Future Submarine Concept
Submarine Recognition Poster